Season 1 - Episode 3

"The Valley"

The Characters wake up in Bro and Babe’s yard. Fuggins is still in the trap. There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

We stayed in the shed in Bro and Babes backyard last night. Thankfully it wasn’t too cold. Fuggins is still in the trap and we are going to see if Bro and Babe will help arrange getting us help with Fuggins…

They knock on Bro and Babe’s door to wake up bro and babe. Fuggins is mad and is demanding they let him out. 

Character A -

Morning bro, could you help us get Fuggins to help us?

Bro -

Ok bro, but you are going to have to be the one who lets him out so he will gain trust with you

Character A -

Hi Fuggins, I’m going to let you ok, is that ok?

Fuggins -

Bout time

Character A lets Fuggins out

Fuggins -

No way! Whatever you want I’m not doing it. Stop trapping me! It’s so annoying

Character B -

Hey I got an idea…

Fuggins when was the last time you had a gummy worm? I’ll give you some if you take us.

Fuggins looks confused so Character B holds one out and Fuggins looks at it, but is still confused. 

Here take this 

Character B hands the camera to Character A and walks up to Fuggins

Gummy worms you eat

Character B is making an eating motion

Fuggins is interested.

 Character B then starts to try to rip it in half so he can give Fuggins half. As it starts to stretch Fuggins is terrified

Fuggins -

I reckon you ever been around here before!

Character A -

Stop, you’re scaring him

Character B continues stretching the gummy worm

 Fuggins, Poolkat, and William Jones VIIII start making noises  

 The gummy worm then rips in half and Fuggins and all of the Jone’s, and Poolkat think it’s hilarious.

Poolkat -

You broke it are you dumb or something?

Character B puts one piece in his mouth and starts chewing and hands the other piece to Fuggins.

Fuggins puts it in his mouth and is beyond delighted. He takes part out and offers it to Bro & Babe

Bro -

No bro thats all you

 Fuggins finishes eating the gummy worm

Fuggins -

More gummy worm?

Character B -

If you take us somewhere we can get help.

Fuggins -

 Fuggins go ok

Character A -

Is that a yes?

Fuggins -

Yea I just said I would, lets go

Character A hands the camera to Character B

Character A and B -

Hey it was nice meeting all of you! Bro, thanks for letting us sleep in your shed.

Bro -

Bro, it was a pleasure having ya

Marbara -

Good luck with the lurking creature

Fuggins leads them into the valley. They come across Sergeant General Jones.   He is holding his gun and speaks loudly.

Sergeant General Jones -

Fuggins, who are these people? I reckon they aint ever been around here before? Stop coming closer to me and answer now or you’re gonna get it.”

Fuggins -

“Fuggins says Fuggins I reckon you aint ever been around here before Sergeant General Jones! Fuggins says these people are from thin air, I’m showing them how to get out.”

Sergeant General Jones -

Sergeant General Jones says out of what?

Character A -

We’re lost, do you know where the nearest road is?

Sergeant General Jones -

Road?! The roads are all gone ever since the really bad day.

I don’t know where you came from, but you won’t be going anywhere. There’s no where to go! You were meant to come here.

I have seen a big war in my dreams and you should prepare.

Character A -

How long have you been here?

Sergeant General Jones -

I have been standing on duty for hundreds if not thousands of moons since King Bucky Soccerball left.

I can smell Soccerball so he will be back soon.

Character A -

Do you know anything about a lurking creature?

Sergeant General Jones -

Yes, but why are you asking?

Character A -

We were hoping to get footage of it for our podcast.

Sergeant General Jones -

I don’t reckon those words and I reckon I don’t wanna. You so dumb hunting monsters with no ammunition 

Sergeant General Jones goes back into military position. 

There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

Fuggins is helping us get back and we are in the valley and Sergeant General Jones says there is a war coming. It’s a good thing we are getting out of here, this place is very strange, but he did act like he something about the lurking creature. Maybe after we get back we can come back here and ask him some more questions.

Fuggins and the characters continue walking and hear something up in the trees.

Fuggins -

Mouse Big, Mouse Big Etc…

Character A -

Fuggins mouse big, what are you saying?

Fuggins -

Mouse Big, Mouse Big Etc…

Character A -

Will you please stop? There’s something in the trees

Out of no where there hear someone yell down from the trees

Big Mouse -

Yea, I’m in the trees. 

Fuggins -

Mouse Big

Big Mouse -

Fuggins, Big Mouse. Who are you? Where did you come from?

Character A -

I’m character A and this is character b. We’re lost and Fuggins is leading us back. Who are you and why are you in the trees?

Big Mouse -

I’m Big Mouse. I bet your lost, have you been here this whole time? 

Character A -

Do you have a name?

Big Mouse -

I just told you I’m Big Mouse. 

Character A -

Um ok, well why are you in that tree?

SONG -"Big Mouse"

After the song ends Fuggins claps

Fuggins -

That was amazing!

Character A -

Well alright well that was kinda weird, do you have a phone or know where the closest road is?

Big Mouse -

You’re living after the end of the world and asking a mouse if you can borrow a phone, you’re a weirdo…

Character A -

Ok but we need to keep going.

Wait before we go, do you know anything of a lurking creature? and Sergeant genera jones says a war was coming, what do you think he means by that?

Big Mouse -

There is always a war going on if you’re mouse.

Fuggins -

You aint a real mouse. Mouses don’t climb trees and they are the size of my toes.

Big Mouse -

I’m a big mouse, and mouses do climb trees. go ask anyone.

If you come across Rat Girl don’t bother her with your non sense.

Character A -

Ok nice meeting you Big Mouse

Fuggins -

Bye bye big mouse

They make it to a creek and Fuggins start drinking from the creek like it’s ok. 

Character A -

Get out of there and we need to keep going. 

Fuggins -

Get in, it’s a swimmin pool! 

Character A -

It’s nothing like a swimming pool and it’s pool not pool.

Fuggins -


Character A -

No not pool, pool.

Fuggins -


Character A -

No it’s Pooooool.

Character B -

Fuggins you’re saying pool, it’s pool.

Fuggins -

Fuggins pool

Character A -

Nope, you’re saying the same thing. It’s ok you been butchering a lot of words. 

  Fuggins pops his head up and starts whispering to himself. He comes out of the creek and they start going further into the valley again. 

They see Rat Girl in the creek a little further down

Rat Girl appears to be organizing things. When she looks up she hisses

SONG -"Rat Girl"