Season 1 - Episode 5

"The Forest"

Bro is working out. The song, “Bro loves babe” is playing. As the song gets faster he works out faster and runs up the hill like rocky as the song ends.

SONG -"Bro Loves Babe"

Fuggins and the Characters are heading to towards the forest.

Character A -

Fuggins do you know where the road is at?

Fuggins -

The roads are all beens gone.

Character A -

I knows there are still roads because they were on one when their car ran out of gas.

Fuggins -

Yea, oks. I don’t believe its though

The characters are at the entrance of the forest

Fuggins -

Watch out for little people dont step on them

Character A -


Fuggins -

We can’t step on the little people. The little people are important.

Character A -

Who are the little people?

Fuggins -

The little people like boo boo people, I reckon you aint ever been around here before?

Character A -

I reckon you aint ever been around here before.

Fuggins looks pleased and nods his head.

Fuggins -

You must scoot your feet and not pick them up while walking in the forest. Like this…

Fuggins leads them into the Forest. 

Fuggins is frustrated with the Characters because how they walk and is scared they will step on the little people.

Fuggins -

Scoot your feet!

 The characters think Fuggins is crazy

Character B -

What are little people?

Fuggins -

Fuggins the little people. Small people, fuggins don’t step on them.

Character A then scoots better and they continue on. After a little Character A complains about the scooting

Character A -

Can we stop scooting? I swear we have only went 100 feet in the past few hours!

There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

We are in the forest and are making progress, but very little because of all this scooting we are never going to get anywhere. Even if the little people are real, I don’t care anymore if we step on them, but I also don’t want these weird hill people to turn on us.

Fuggins -

You say that until you’s step on one and they look up and look you in the eyes. 

A bird starts chirping and Fuggins gets mad and starts looking around to feel out where the bird is at. He then starts running full speed through the forest chasing the bird.

The Characters start chasing Fuggins

Character A -

What are you doing, what about the little people?

Fuggins -

I reckon you aint ever been around here before!

Character A -

Fuggins! stop running!

Character B -

I reckon you aint ever been around here before!

Fuggins stops running and there is no more chirping. Fuggins looks around confused and the Characters catch up. 

Character A -

Why was  it all of the sudden ok to run when we had to scoot before? Please explain that to me?

Fuggins -

The birds will eat the little people and if a bird is nearby they will be hiding so we don’t have to worry about scooting then.

Fuggins and the Characters hear a whisper mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm.

Character A -

What is that?

Character B -

That’s the noise we heard before we got lost here

Fuggins looks confused. Fuggins starts sniffing real hard and points over through the woods. Parrot Man is standing off in the distance.

 Parrot Man is too far away for Fuggins or the Characters to make out. 

Character A -


Parrot Man takes off and disappears. 

Character A -

Where did it go?

Fuggins gets scared of the birds again and then starts chasing a bird, The characters chase him again. 

Character A -

Fuggins stop! Now! Where are we?

Fuggins stops running

Character A -

Where are we?

Fuggins -

Fuggins lost

There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

Fuggins has no idea on how to help them and he is weirdly scared of birds.  Fuggins has lost his marbles and thinks there are little people living in the forest. Lets see how Fuggins thinks it’s going…

 Character A interviews Fuggins and asks him a bunch of simple questions where Fuggins butchers all of the answers. Character A then says Fuggins has no idea what he is talking about.

The characters are mad at Fuggins

Character A -

We can still see the other hill and we are not anymore lost than before.

They go a little bit further with Character A leading, but start to really get lost. ending up in the same spot.

Character A -

I can’t figure out how to get any further away from here.

Character B -

Yea, that’s weird I swear we just keeping walking in circles.

Character A -

This is awful! Lets go back to the hill where Bro and Babe are at Fuggins has no idea where we are

They start walking back to the hill

Character A -

Fuggins, have you ever went to school a day in his life?

Fuggins -

Fuggin schools? Yea

Character A -

Do you know what a school is?

Fuggins -


Character A -

What is a school?

Fuggins -

Schools are like what fish do.

Character B -

Don’t be mean to Fuggins.

Character A -

Fuggins, what do you eat?

Fuggins thinks that Character A is offering more gummie worms

Fuggins -

Fuggins would like food worms yes please.

Character A -

What? no I was asking what do you normally eat.

Character B -

You are getting no more gummie worms.

Fuggins -

No!!! Me need food gummie worm now.

Character A -

No fuggins, you didn’t help at all and said you knew… You know what fuggins, Fuggins is Fuggin stupid, you know that? Do you understand what that means?

Fuggins -

Fuggins is Fuggins stupid? Is that my last name?

Character A -

No! You probably don’t have a last name. You aren’t going to eat food gummie worms ever again because you don’t have a brain. You are stupid.

Fuggins then looks sad

Fuggins -

Fuggins bad? Fuggins worm?

Character A -

Yes Fuggins bad, No Fuggin worms!  Fuggins very bad! We don’t need your help we can walk back to Bro and Babe’s on our own. 

Fuggins walks off on his own and is sad.

SONG -"I'm so fuggin sad"