Season 3 - Episode 3

"Fuggin Soccerball"

They find Crispy washed up on the shore. He appears to be dead.

Poolkat -


Rat Girl -


All of sudden they notice Crispy is slightly moving.

The Witch -

He’s moving!

 Crispy is barely breathing…

Crispy -

Come close…

They all get close

Ron -

Take off his mask

Parrot Man -

mmmmm ok

Parrot Man takes off his mask and it looks just like Bucky.

Bucky looks Crispy weird.

Crispy -

Fuggins you isn’t a Fuggins. Your first name is Fuggin without the s and you’re actually a soccerball. Fuggins real name is Fuggin Soccerball. that means… you… have… the..  the rightful spot to the throne.

Everyone is confused about what throne he is talking about

Crispy -

You’ll know; Fuggin Soccerball 

Crispy dies. There are X’s over his eyes

Bucky Soccerball -

He’s dead. You can tell he’s dead because of the X’s.

Poolkat -


Rat Girl -



They use part of the Wagon Ship to make a little boat to put Crispy’s body in. They push the boat off and Ron shoots an arrow that’s on fire into the boat. 

SONG - "Your Pal Crispy"

The boat catches on fire.

Crispy -

Ahhhh it’s Hot!

Crispy falls in the water and washes away. 

Fuggins -

I think we messed up.

Bucky Soccerball -

Yea, I wish he woke up sooner

Poolkat -

We will see you again someday Crispy

Everyone is upset

Bucky Soccerball -

Well the good news we made it to the other side of the river and to this rock which means Character A and B can go home now.

 Everyone is confused.

Bucky Soccerball -

I know how to get you home from here. I need all of you to hold hands and then Character A needs to hold onto the rope and then I’m going to go behind those bushes while holding the holding the other end of the rope. Whatever you do no one can go into the bushes and absolutely no one can look at me. I need to know no one is watching or it won’t work. 

Ron -

What if it doesn’t work? 

Bucky Soccerball -

Don’t ask and don’t worry. This is how I went to the future and came back last time. 

Character A -

What’s special about this spot?

Bucky Soccerball -

It’s a really private spot where no one can see me in those bushes, now no one can look; just hold onto the rope and don’t look in my direction or try to look at me.

There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

So we are holding onto this rope and holding hands. Bucky Soccerball is going into that bush and do his magic I guess. I don’t see how this is going to help, but we’re just going to see what happens.

Bucky goes though the bushes. The rope is tied around his waist and the other end the others are holding onto and looking the other way. Once Bucky is in the hidden area he starts pacing back and forth and then starts shaking his hands.

Bucky starts noticing things changing.

Bucky Soccerball -

We are entering the portal.

The Witch -

What’s going on?

Bucky Soccerball -

We are going to the future.

Everyone starts to panic.

Bucky Soccerball -

If this scares you maybe you should leave. 

Hey Fuggin Soccerball since you have  the right to the thrown maybe he should turn around.

Fuggin Soccerball -

I wants to stay, but I’m getting sick from this portal

Fuggins runs out, everyone, but the characters and Bucky follow him.

Character A and B turn into angels

Character A -

Bucky we came for you and you can’t leave because it’s time to go back.

Bucky Soccerball -

Am I the same person as Crispy?

Character A -

No, Crispy was you, but you are also not you.

Bucky Soccerball -

If you are here to help me then am I actually helping you?

Character A -

Yes, we are literally lost because we wanted that sweet footage.

Character B -

 We are all helping each other. 

Bucky Soccerball -

So you aren’t an angel? 

Character A -

I am not an angel I thought you were helping us get back. 

Character B -

What are you talking about Bucky Soccerball. I feel so sick and I don’t know what’s going on.

Bucky Soccerball -

I thought you were angel for a second! We will be done soon!

Bucky Soccerball leads them through the blip which has mountains and beaches. Character A is confused where they are. They are dancing and looking each other in the eyes. 

SONG - "Dancing Through a Wormhole"

Character B -

Look! we are back!!!

Character A -

I am so confused!

Bucky Soccerball -

We made it back

Character A, B, and Bucky Soccerball are on a raft with a flag. They come into a river that seems to be normal. They see normal houses and people. they are so excited that they are shouting like idiots. 

Character B -

What in the world!?

Character A -

What?!?! Bucky Soccerball what just happened?

There is person singing and playing the accordion