Season 1 - Episode 2

"The Hill"

Both characters looked scared and confused. Fuggins is standing in front of them.

Fuggins -


The  characters don’t understand

Character A -


Fuggins -


Character A -

I don’t understand what you are saying?

The other people on the hill look concerned.

Fuggins starts whispering something and then gets louder

Fuggins -

I reckon you aint been around here before, I reckon you aint been around here before etc…

Slowly others start muttering the same thing. It has a cult like feel

Character A -

We haven’t been around before, no

Fuggins is mind blown by the response

Fuggins -


Fuggins -

Fuggins I reckon you aint been around here before?

Character A -

Yea, we haven’t been around here before that’s correct

Fuggins -

I reckon you aint been around here before

Character A -

Yea, I agree like i said before we haven’t been around here before

Fuggins -

What ju do wit Bucky?!?!

Character A -


Marbara -

Wheres did you’s come from?

Character A -

We are lost can you help us. We’re from Pittsburgh.

Marbara -

Whos are you rilly? Pittsburgh has been gurn for a long time

 Character A is confused

Character A -

We were there just yesterday. Can I borrow someone’s phone or could you point us to the nearest town?

Fuggins -

I reckon aint ever been around here before.

Character A -

Yea, we haven’t been around here before that’s why we need to know where the closest town is or to borrow a phone.

Fuggins -

I reckon you aint ever been around here before!

Character B -

Maybe we should get out of here.

Character A ignores him

Character A is cut off half way by Bro

Character A -

Yea we haven’t been arouuunnd…

Bro -

Bro, you have to repeat what he’s saying or they won’t stop!

Bro is standing with Babe. They seem way more normal then the other people there.

Character A -


Bro -

You have to say I reckon you ain’t ever been around here before or they won’t stop.

Character A -

I reckon you aint been around here before

All the muttering stops. 

Fuggins gets up in the characters face and whispers

Fuggins -

I reckon you aint been around here before

Character A -

I reckon you aint ever been around here before

Fuggins sniffs him and then stands back.

Character A -

We got lost and need help getting back and if they’re not going to help, then we are going to leave and please don’t get close to me again.

Fuggins pulls his hand up as if it were a gun

Fuggins -

I’m going to ask you one more time whatdu do wit Bucky?

Character A -

I can barely understand you.

Poolkat -

It’s your time to shine. It’s a big moment just like you said you needed

Jesus Jones walks out and holds his hands together.

Jesus Jones -

Dad, it’s me! Did you send these future people here to save us?

Jesus Jones pauses and then looks sad.

Jesus Jones -

come on dad you’re making me look stupid…

Dad!!! it’s me Jesus do you hear me?!?

William Jones VIIII -


From inside of their shack as William Jones VIIII comes walking out.

William Jones VIIII -

What do you want?!?!

Jesus Jones -

Not you, the other dad!

William Jones VIIII -

Bunch a bullcrap. 

William Jones VIIII -

Where did you come from? We are the only survivors from the end of the world. 

Character A -

What world ended?

Marbara -

Stop talking to them they might be demons.

William Jones VIIII -

How do you not know of the world ending? Luckily Jesus is here to save us. We don’t need your help

Character A -

Were not here to help you, we need help

Poolkat -

Humble yourself, your looking at Jesus, he parted the ocean. Imagine what he could do if you make him mad

Character A -

You parted the ocean?

Jesus Jones -

Uhh I actually don’t remember that at all

Poolkat -

You have to believe in yourself!

Fuggins -

Are you aliens?

Character A -

No, we are from people from Pittsburgh, we are lost.

Poolkat -

If you are real people then where have you been this whole time?

Character A -

I just said we are from Pittsburgh.

William Jones VIII -

They might be good looking dead people.

Betty Jones-

Are you from the forest? 

Bro -

Bro, how did you get here? 

Character A -

We lost service and we realized the road was a big circle somehow and then ran out of gas. so we started walking through the woods and we ended up here. Can you help us back, please we will give you money.

Marbara -

You lost what? 

Babe -

Hey Boy, you have any batteries by any chance? 

Bro -

Babe why are you so interested if they have batteries?

Babe -

Oh don’t be acting like you don’t know why I would ask!

Character A -

Well can you tell us why you want batteries?

Bro -

Don’t tell them. It’s their loss if they don’t already know

Character A -

Please tell us we are in need of help and will help you in exchange if we can.

We can get you batteries if that means you will help us.

Fuggins and everyone seems interested. 

Fuggins -

You get us batteries?

Character A -

Probably, why do you want batteries so bad?

SONG - "The Batteries Song"

After the song ends, there is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on. 

Character A -

We have found some people living on this hill and don’t seem to be much help getting us back so far. I’m going to ask them about the lurking creature. They seem to really like batteries. Hopefully they can help us get back.

The Characters go to the Jone’s where they all introduce themselves.

 William Jones VIII -

My family has lived on the hill since time started.

Betty Jones -

I fell in love with William, first site at their grandfather’s house when they were kids.

We have three kids. William IIII, Bill, and Jesus.

 William Jones VIII -

Jesus William Jones is the return of Jesus. That might not mean anything to you alien people, but that’s a big deal. I know it’s real because that’s def not kid. 

Bill Jones I -

I am the beginning of a new era. I am the first Bill

Character A -

When was the last time you left the hill?

 William Jones VIII -

We have never left the hill before and have never really thought about it.

Betty Jones -

We are hoping that when Bucky Soccerball returns he brings batteries and chips.

Character A -

Do you know anything of a lurking creature?

Bill Jones I -

Lurking creature?

William Jones VIII -

Get out of here with your lurking creature bimble babble. You gonna spook the kiddos. You’re both the lurking creatures! How about them apples?!?

The characters go to Poolkat’s shack

Character A -

Do you know how to get out of the area?

Poolkat -

Out of where?

Character A -

Have you seen or heard anything of a lurking creature?

Poolkat -

Does  the lurking creature eat people?

Character A -

Honestly, I don’t know. 

You shouldn’t be scared , I’m sorry I asked about it

The Characters than go to Marbara’s house

Character A -

What do you know about this place?

Marbara -

There was a bad day and since no one can leave.  There is more than the hill.  Fuggins is the only one I see that has entered the valley in years. Bro & Babe showed up the most recent and they might be help.

Character A -

Have  you seen or heard anything of a lurking creature?

Marbara -

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Is it following you?

Character A -

No, we are trying to find it.

Marbara -

You shouldn’t follow lurking creatures. 

The characters are starting to really worry as they go to Bro & Babe’s house.

Character A -

How long have you been here?

Bro -

Bro , we moved here in 2020 during the pandemic. We were just trying to go camping, but ended up here. Kinda love it

Character A -

You seem normal, can you help us get back?

Bro -

Bro, the other people are kinda weird, we really like Fuggins. I have heard about Bucky Soccerball since we have moved here, but have never seen him. I hope he is real and brings gifts like how they all say he will. Bro, Fuggins is the only one that ever leaves the Hill and is probably your best shot getting lead to wherever you want to go.

Babe -

One time we tried to leave to go visit family, but we couldn’t figure out how to leave so we have stayed since. Really I don’t know where we are

There is a monolog with Character A describing what they are doing / what’s going on.

Character A -

 So we have met a lot of the people living here and Bro and Babe seem to be the most normal and hopeful. Fuggins the person we first met leaves the hill so we’re hoping that fuggins will help. We’re going to ask Bro and Babe if we can crash at their place, tonight.

Character A -

Bro, can we sleep in your house? We feel most comfortable around you.

Bro -

Bro, you can sleep in our shed in their yard until things are figured out.

Character A -

Have you heard or the seen any lurking creatures?

Bro -

Bro, dont be coming to my place and trying to spread scary stories about an area you just found. You better not be scared of lurking creatures when living in a shed

Bro & Babe setup a trap for Fuggins to lure him in so he can lead the Characters back home. 

SONG - "I Reckon You Ain't Ever Been Around Here Before"

It doesn’t take long until Fuggins comes for the bait. Once he trapped he tries to get out, but can’t. He then starts shouting, but it sounds like howling. 

There is a short scene of the Scientists 

Scientist 1 -

Something is going on at the hill.